Top 5 Sweaty HIIT Workouts
One of the fastest ways to instantly lift our mood or energy is to move and get SWEATY. We don’t need to spend hours doing it, we don’t need weights or equipment, and we don't even need to do it in a gym. Sweat outdoors and reap the benefits of vitamin D at the same time for the ultimate feel good boost. Below are 5 simple bodyweight workouts that can be done anywhere. Each one will take no longer than 20 minutes and will leave you feeling sweaty & accomplished.
1. EMOM 15 minute workout (Every Minute on the Minute) - for Max Reps (3 rounds)
Jumping Squats
Inchworm Push Ups
Curtsy Lunge Bear Crawl (for distance)
Workout flow:
For one minute, perform as many reps as possible of the first movement, then the second minute perform as many reps as possible of the next movement etc.
Exercises explained:
Jumping squats: feet shoulder-width, brace midline, sit hips back and down until hips are below knees then jump up, land back in squat stance and repeat.
Inchworm push-ups: start standing, keep midline braced & walk hands out in front of you until you reach a plank position, lower. Body to ground then push yourself back up, followed by walking hands back to feet and stand.
Curtsy lunge: brace midline, step one leg back, and behind the opposite leg into a lunge (curtsy position).
Bear crawl: on hands and feet, crawling forward and back (can be in sets of 5 – 10).
2. 5RFT (5 Rounds For Time)
15 Push Ups
15 Reverse Lunges (each side)
15 Russian Twists (each side)
Workout flow:
Complete 5 rounds of 15 push ups, 15 reverse lunges each leg, and 15 russian twists each side.
Exercises explained:
Push ups: in a tall plank position, hands directly under shoulders. Keep midline braces & lower chest down to ground, keeping elbows squeezed into sides. Press back up without hips touching ground. Can drop knees onto ground if needed.
Reverse lunge: feet shoulder width, step on leg back and down into lunge, keeping midline braced & front shin vertical. Drive back up to stand through the front foot.
Russian twist: sitting on ground, chest tall, feet off ground. Twist around to touch ground on one side with both hands, repeat on the other side.
3. For Time (50-40-30-20-10)
Air Squats
Workout flow:
Perform 50 reps of air squats, followed by 50 reps of sit-ups, then 40 reps of each, followed by 30 reps of each etc.
Exercises explained:
Air Squats: feet shoulder width, brace midline, sit hips back and down until hips are below knees then stand back up.
Sit-Ups: sit on ground, feet together and knees out to side, touching ground behind head, then sitting up and touching ground in front of feet.
4. AMRAP 20 minute workout (As Many Rounds As Possible)
200m Run
20 Burpees
20 Cossack Squats
20 V Sit-ups
Workout flow:
Perform as many rounds as possible of the above movements in 20 minutes
Exercises explained
Burpees: start standing, place hands on ground and jump feed back into plank, lower body to ground, then brace midline, push chest followed by hips off ground, then jump feet up to hands and stand.
Cossack Squats: feet in a wide stance, brace midline and send hips back as you shift weight to one leg, getting hips below knee (or as low as able), other leg will be straight. Drive back up with legs to wide stance & repeat on other side.
V Sit-ups: lying on ground, keeping arms and legs straight snaps arms up and legs up into V position, touching hands to feet. Lie back down and repeat. Can perform as a tuck – tucking knees into chest and touching feet if needed.
5. Triple Midline Tabata (4 mins: 20 secs on, 10 sec off)
Side plank rotations
Hollow / Tuck Hold
Superman (Arch) Hold
Workout flow:
You will spend 4 minutes on each movement. For the 4 minutes you will be working for 20 seconds, and resting for 10 seconds. Complete 8 rounds within the 4 minutes. You can either go straight into the next movement or rest if needed in between.
Exercises explained:
Side Plank Rotations: stack one foot on top of the other in a side plank position (bottom forearm supporting body on ground), keep midline braced & reach top arm through underneath body as far as possible and then back up to toward the ceiling.
Hollow Hold: lying on back, roll shoulders off ground with arms overhead, lift straight legs slightly off ground, ensure lower. Back remains on ground throughout. Can perform as a tuck hold if needed, tucking knees into chest and arms by side.
Superman (Arch Hold): lying on stomach, arms and legs straight, lifting chest off ground & legs just off ground. Midline braced.